Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Butterick B5559 - Knit Tuck Pleat Sheath Dress

Here's a project that I'm currently working on. It's Butterick B5559, which is a Maggy London Knit Tuck Pleat Sheath Dress. I think the fact that the manufacturer labeled this pattern "facile" was deceptive advertising, but I guess that depends on who you ask. Once the nerve racking pleats are marked, set and sewn the pattern does get easier but - I'm gonna warn ya - you need the patience of Mother Theresa to get beyond that point! I worked through that pain and actually made it all the way to the point where the sleeves need to be added. Having never attempted a set-in sleeve before AND having confessed to my family that I will wear this dress with pride, regardless of how good (or bad) it turns out, I am at the point of do or die. If I do, I'm afraid that I will screw the entire dress up royally. If I don't, it could sit in my "unfinished" bin for days, months, years to come...so what to do? I think that I am going to have to seek professional help with this one. To be continued! In the meantime, if you have started, are working on or have completed conquering this beast, I would LOVE to hear your comments!


  1. I'm currently blogging about my adventures with this dress. I'm nearly finished all the tucks and darts, and I have even been enjoying the experience! You can read my latest post about it here:
    You may need to cut and paste to get it all on one line.

    As for set in sleeves, they're not that scary really, and doing them with knit fabric will be much easier than attempting a set in sleeve in a woven fabric. If you have easy access to a library, a book such as The Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing has excellent instructions. Though really, just following what's in the pattern instructions will get you there too. If it doesn't turn out well for the first one, leave it, try again for the second, and then come back to the first. I think you'll improve each time.

    And you may be able to find a YouTube clip to help you learn how to do it.

    Keep going! What I have done of my dress so far shows me that its a design that's going to be very worth wearing!

  2. It definitely looks worth it, DKNY recently designed a dress very similar to the one you're making for their Spring 2011 collection. So when you finish you'll be very fashion forward!!
